Partner Profile


Following the launch of the Inlight Partner Network at the start of the year, we’ve already seen some fantastic opportunities created and conversations had, and as the network grows, we’ll be introducing each of the network’s partners one-by-one.

Kicking off the Partner Profile series is one of our two foundation partners and SEO specialists, Optimising.

When it comes to SEO, Optimising has firmly established themselves as experts in the industry and had been jointly working with Inlight on several client projects prior to joining the Partner Network.

From the envious position of their then sunny Richmond rooftop terrace, I sat down with co-founders James Richardson and Daniel Zuccon to understand a bit more about what makes the Optimising team tick.

What does Optimising do?

We like to say that Optimising does the SEO work that other agencies don’t do, and can’t do.

SEO is as complex as you want it to be, and by doing all those small complicated things, we can put our clients ahead of their competition.

We work across a huge range of verticals, ecommerce and service businesses, and have a wide-ranging knowledge of platforms, systems, and tools.

In practice, we work closely with our clients and partners to drive additional traffic, leads and conversions.

We achieve this by really understanding our clients, our partners, and working closely with them to achieve our objectives together.

How did Optimising come to be?

Timing. We were both running our own respective businesses and were introduced by a mutual acquaintance. After working on some projects together we decided that combining our two very different skill-sets was a great way forward.

13 years ago, SEO was a very different battle. The tactics, tools, and strategies that worked, and that everyone was doing, have long been retired.

When we started, we knew there was more to it than cheap tricks, and we stuck to those strategies. Where other agencies have fallen we’ve adapted and got better at our craft.

We’ve taken a while to get where we are today and it’s the decisions we’ve made, partners we’ve had, and the clients we have worked with that have got us here.

What’s the team passionate about?

Something that is a part of everything we try to do, is to always try being better.

This concept forms a large part of our core values, the way we work, and also how we are always being better for our team and our customers.

Externally, we are also trying to be a better business. This can come in lots of ways but includes making the world better, and also making our industry better.

In 2020, we partnered up with 1% for the Planet, a global community of like-minded businesses committed to making a real impact through environmental giving and awareness. Read more about our partnership here.

We are also on track to complete our B Corp certification which will allow us to join a community of leaders driving business as a force for good.

On a lighter note, the team is pretty passionate about giant Jenga, our #green-thumb and #foodies slack channels, and our regular ‘Thai Fridays’.

Are there any recent client projects you’re particularly proud of?

Over the years we have had some amazing success stories.

One that stands out is a service business that started with us on day one over 7 years ago, to today being a $5M turnover business driven primarily through SEO.

We’ve worked with some national brands, including Nando’s, and even some great projects in sports with the AFL which have been really fun.

To be honest, though I feel like our proudest projects are some of the smaller businesses we have been able to help, and continue to. Even a few that have been with us for 8+ years, those are the ones you value the most.

What excites you about joining the Inlight Partner Network?

We’ve admired the Inlight business for many years, and have had a few opportunities to collaborate on some projects with them over the journey.

It’s fantastic to find a team you can work with who are on the same page and have a similar vision on the clients they want to work with.

Working together will make us all a more valuable and better-integrated team, which will mean better results are able to be delivered on all sides.

Win, win, win.

For the area you operate in, what’s one trend or change you expect to see this year?

Digital is still riding the wave of COVID to be honest.

The entire digital space was sped up significantly last year with businesses that had previously not embraced digital, understanding their mistakes; while others who had invested consistently, went all in.

We expect that trend to really continue which for us means more opportunity, but also a much more competitive landscape to work within.

Challenging but fun times!

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